Get The Best Dental Implant
Treatment in Turkey
Hotel, Consultancy, VIP Services, Aftercare, Transportation and Translation

Dental Implant

Teeth are one of the most important elements of the body. Dental health should be protected both in terms of cutting and digestion of food and in terms of appearance. In both respects, individuals who are aware of the importance of their teeth prevent dental diseases by having dental implants in their teeth. Wouldn’t you like to have the healthy teeth you desire by having your dental problems done with the appropriate implant method? For this, you can benefit from the superior service offered by Ester Clinic. You can apply now by filling out the contact form.

Ester Clinic offers you a private health service with its clinics with high health standards, expert team and elegant service. Moreover, guests who prefer Ester Clinic will have the opportunity to see Istanbul, the capital of culture, closely. If you want to benefit from this privileged service offered by Ester Clinic, you can fill out the contact form immediately.

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Wherever you are in the world, we are at your side as Ester Clinic team so that you can benefit from the most exclusive health services with our VIP approach.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The question of how long the dental implant lasts is one of the important questions asked by the people concerned. Sufficient care is given to dental implants. The life of dental implants varies depending on this care. The lifespan of dental implants varies between twenty-five and thirty years on average. For this, it would be a good behavior to take good care of dental implants and not to go beyond the doctor’s recommendations. Otherwise, the permanence period of dental implants will be shortened considerably.

    The question of whether the implant tooth decays is one of the important questions asked by the relevant people and useful to answer. Implant teeth are fully compatible with natural teeth in shape and size. With regular oral and dental care, the decay of implants can be slowed down. Dental implants are one of the tools that help you smile confidently, speak fluently, eat comfortably, and most importantly, achieve strong tooth roots.

    Let’s answer the question of whether the implant hurts too much. You will not feel pain while the implant is placed. Because local anesthesia is applied during implant placement. Therefore, the area to be treated is completely anesthetized. The patient does not feel any pain or pain. An important issue here is the clinic where the procedure will be applied. The clinic that will perform the procedure should know what they are doing and follow health procedures. In addition, the doctor who will perform the procedure should be an expert in his field and work with a team of experts. Ester Clinic, which provides high quality and superior service to its guests, fully uses the latest technological methods and sterilization processes in implant applications. If you want to benefit from this privileged and elegant service offered by Ester Clinic, you can contact us by filling out the application form immediately.

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    Wherever you are in the world, we are at your side as Ester Clinic team so that you can benefit from the most exclusive health services with our VIP approach.

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